About Arizona Sub Metering Solutions

Southwest Submetering Solutions understands the issues that homeowner associations deal with every day in attempting to complete projects needed within their communities. Our parent company, Arizona Consolidated Services, LLC services many HOA communities around the southwest. We are aware of the financial difficulties you may have so we have come up with a way to help in many cases with no up front out of pocket expenses. Our “No Money Down” sub metering proposal is perfect for the HOA that needs additional income for projects around the community but doesn’t have a source of income to accomplish them.

This is also a “green” project, as it will significantly reduce water usage within your property. When homeowners and tenants are responsible for the water they use, conservation will happen. No one wants to pay for water that is wasted. At present the few in your community that may waste water dont have to be accountable because everyone in the communty pays for it with higher HOA dues. By submetering your property everyone in the community only pays for what they use.